Monday, May 25, 2009

Eccentrick(ities) In Our Lives

The art show was amazing as always,with many beautiful pieces of art displayed throughout the many rooms that make our Art Department. I remember being in the Art and Comm Tech rooms before everything was put up. Everything was in disarray, with paint left open and computers being stowed carefully under tables. It looked like a mess. But seeing this helps me picture the process that ends up being something so awesome.

It was amazing to be walking down the hall, in slight darkness, anticipating what I would see in each area. The movies, constructions, and art were all waiting behind each set of doors. The experience itself was amazing. The way everything was set up gave the show a very interesting feel. The art showed me how diverse this department is. With different styles and themes, it made me see the truth behind the Art/Tech Department.

This year's grade 10 theme was 'The Circus', which was showed amazingly well in my favourite display, the grade 10 AVI train carts. Each student was given materials to make a cart, and was supposed to design a cart having something to do with the circus. There were many innovative ideas, from painting the Mary Ward entrance to resemble a circus tent entrance, and a ballerina in a studio. These carts were well made and painted, and tied in very well with the theme "Eccentrick".

Although that is all true, that is not the real reason that I loved this display. With this assignment, students were allowed to tie in the circus into everyday life. It allowed the students to tie their lives into someone of the circus. I saw a cart with a plate-spinner, spinning a few plates at the same time. On these plates were symbols of things that were probably in the person's life. There were books, and music and a soccer ball, which were more likely than not tied into their life. This assignment allowed the students to delve deep within themselves to find a more profound meaning to their lives as a circus.

The Eccentrick Art show properly showed off the talent of students of various Art and Tech courses. It made me smile when I saw students from other schools visiting to see something that makes us as a school community proud and happy. It makes me happy to think that even at the end of the year, when June Rush is happening, we have time to put something like this together, and have it be a great success.