Friday, March 27, 2009

Hi, my name is Anthony and I'm addicted to technology.

I found the video clip extremely funny. Louis C.K. is an extremely talented comedian who used his humour to get an important message across. Anyways, to the point of the matter...

I'm one of those people. The kind who hate it when the internet goes down, when my cell phone doesn't get connection, or when my satellite isn't working because it's raining outside. I'll admit that I'm guilty. After watching this video clip, I wonder why. Is it because we're so used to having everything working? Or maybe we're just too impatient? Either way, technology has come a long way and it seems with each technological advance, we take a step backwards in our composure and patience.

I remember when my parents would let me watch Disney movies on a VCR using a VHS. And then afterwards, we'd have to rewind it all the way to the beginning so that we could watch it again later. Or when cell phones were those huge rectangles of plastic with the antenna and the black-and-white-one-row-of-display screens (I found one of those in my house a couple of years ago). It seems that as technology advances, we automatically see it as better than what preceded it. After, we always look to see what can out-perform it. We're never just happy with what we have; we always need to continue on with the improvements. We're a society based on always improving on something, whether or not it's perfectly functional. But that's how industries perform. They can't make profit if they don't make new products. Yesterday on the radio, I was listening to a professor talking about how they’ve developed a ‘quantum computer’, which is supposed to operate several times faster than anything we have now. Do we need it? Not really. Why are they making it then? Because it gives them something to do, and eventually, market and sell.

Could we live without technology? I know I couldn't. Think about how often we use a piece of technology. Computers, video games, MP3 players and even the internet are continually evolving pieces of technology that we use daily. I know that I use my laptop at least 20 hours a week, my iPod about 10 hours a week, and play video games most of the 20 hours I'm using my computer. But what do all those numbers mean? Basically, that I'm addicted to technology. Even as I write this, I'm instant messaging, and listening to music. It just illustrates how addicted I am to technology. I could always try to take a step away from using technology, but then I’d need to find something else to do. I’m sure with a lot of encouragement, I could stop this addiction to technology, but it seems everyone else is addicted to it too. All the people on the street listening to music, or constantly on their Blackberrys it seems quite obvious that we as a society are addicted.

I think the problem we have with society is that we’re continually trying to earn a profit by developing newer and better things that are faster or more stable than their predecessors. A good example is the iPod. From the first iPod to the current iPhone and iPod Touch, it seems that technology has progressed so well that we should all be happy. But we’re not. They just keep improving and improving, and everyone chases after the newest thing. Maybe it’s a problem with society. But what can we do? Not much, other than hitch a ride along the technological wave and hope that the new things we just bought stay in style for more than a year. Because that would make us really unhappy.

1 comment:

Eryk The Cool said...

Great post Anthony!
well, first off, i'd like to say that i am also one of those people! But i think that we are this way because we're so used to having everything working. it is the only thing we know. if we can barely survive without being on facebook for a month how could we ever survive being without all of technology?!?!