Monday, June 8, 2009

And as the year draws to an end, so will this blog.

This year has definitely been interesting; from the courses I took to the places I’ve gone. It seems that with every year in high school, I learn new things and gain new insight on different aspects of my life. Of all the courses I took, I must say that Comm Tech was the one that I had a love/hate relationship with. It was an extremely fun course where I learned new things and expanded my knowledge of the use of different programs to create art in a digital form. Photoshop, Illustrator and Movie Maker were great programs to learn about. This course was a way of introducing myself to the WACT department, and has kept me in there for at least another year.

Photoshop is nothing new to me. I work with Photoshop all the time, so I knew most of the tools and the different areas of the workspace. Although I do minor photo editing, the different projects introduced in the Photoshop strand were extremely amusing. Using the magnetic lasso tool to extract objects to make multiple exposures was excruciatingly time-consuming, yet the rendered results were amazing. What bothered me the most was the fact that after cropping myself out of different images, there were no shadows to go along with them. My inner-perfectionist kicked in and I decided to also add in the shadows. This took a lot of time, but I liked the results. Either way, it was a good project that kept me adapting to different photos and different Photoshop tools.

The circus collage was something that I also enjoyed, although I was not thrilled with my results. To be honest, I don’t like photos or videos of me. At all. So making a collage centred around me wasn’t the best thing for me to be doing. Which is why I wasn’t that motivated to finishing it. I took a bunch of photos of stuff that I like, scanned a few papers or book covers and found an image online. I put it all together, but found that it wasn’t amazing. So again, my perfectionism found me sitting in front of a computer for 3 or 4 periods trying to rearrange everything for submission. In the end, I just gave up on it, and submitted it as what was already deemed fine by Ms. Arturi. I didn’t really like this, because I don’t think I exemplified my personality as a juggler since it ended up being a collage. This was probably the project I liked the least.

The Illustrator pattern was the most fun I had in this course. Once the idea of vectorizing images was introduced, I thought it would’ve been extremely hard and a waste of time. I wasn’t looking forward to the project. But when I started, I found it was extremely fun. Three random objects to vectorize? For some reason, all of mine ended up being food related (it was a long stretch, but I got it). So I made my pattern. The normal geometric patterns of being horizontal and vertical were boring, so I decided to make mine some weird swirly-diamond thingy. It was fun to make, even though the computers down in the Comm Tech department were kind of screwing up. My favourite part of this project was my vectorized cookie. I spend so much time on it, and it turned out amazingly well. It was my favourite project of this year, even though I took a really long time on it.

The Eccentrick Inspiration project was the most challenging project to me, being an extreme perfectionist. I chose Bill Gates as my inspiration, for the many things that he has done with his life. After vectorizing his face, it just didn’t look right. So I tried again. And again. And again. I’m pretty sure that I have at least 5 drafts, most of which are completely different. After a consultation, I ended up vectorizing his entire face, and showing the different parts of his hands and his face. This project was really fun, but I spent the most time on it. It was pretty bad in the sense that I spent so much time on it, but I liked the end result. Especially because it incorporated my pattern, even though it was really hard to see.

Finally, the WeCcEnTrIcK video using Movie Maker. The most controversial project of this course. It was fun to imagine, plan, and create. It was NOT fun to actually film and go through the editing process. But maybe that’s because we spent a lot of time on it. We planned to make a musical about our life at school and in general, and randomness. We also decided to compare and contrast our personalities, but in the end, show that we share similarities. I would like to say that at the end of the year, especially after not going to school for two weeks, a group project doesn’t help with the finishing of other courses. In the end, we finished, and I liked making the cover. As of this moment though, I am not sure if my partner has the movie done, as it was her responsibility to burn the DVD and put it in the case, but I haven’t seen her as I write this. Hopefully she’ll bring it in, as this is my last unit of my Grade 10 year!

All in all, this course was enjoyable, except for a few minor problems (one of which was the rate at which units were being put out). To be honest, I liked the Eccentrick theme, but wasn’t too fond of the Grade 10 Circus theme. It seemed too imposed on our work, like our collage, and made it seem less enjoyable as compared to doing the same thing without a theme. The course was time-consuming, taxing, and stressful (especially with the unreliable computers) but had a certain charm that kept me in the course the entire time. With this course in mind, I also decided to take a WACT course next year. So next year I will be embarking on a new journey into Grade 11 Photography. I’m sure that I’ll enjoy that course too. Especially since almost all my other courses are boring notebook work units. So in the end, this course was fun, except for a few things, but showed me that more can be done on a computer than just using Facebook or playing games. This course was fun and I would definitely recommend it to others, as long as they have the time to do a few projects, learn new things, and enjoy a year with the WACT department and teachers.

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